Saturday, November 10, 2012

Simplicity 2556 Vest

My most recent sewing project involves a vest. I would like to make a vest that really wraps around my natural curves to compliment them. So, I have decided to use Simplicity 2556 version C:

What's interesting about these project runway patterns is that you feel more design control about what  style features you want to create. They have added a nifty croquis kit that simulates a sketch pad. Here take a gander:

If you do not know how to draw people besides using stick figures, you can use this Croquis Kit to help you create your desired look. Simplicity got it right with this additional creative control feature. Here are my pattern pieces:
This is my first time trying to sew a vest, so it was great looking at a small amount of pattern pieces. Then, I started getting ready to transfer the pattern pieces to my muslin. Check it:

In order to start transfer the pattern pieces to my muslin, I used a tracing wheel and
Saral Tracing Paper Roll in Red. The muslin is sandwiched between the pattern paper and chalky side up of tracing paper.

To be Continued...

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