Friday, November 16, 2012

Muslin Portrait Blouse

I have been working on the Portrait Blouse from Gertie's New Book for Better Sewing by Gretchen Hirsch. She recommends using lightweight fabrics such as silk charmeuse. However, I decided to use cotton fabric to test out the fitting, length, and general appearance of the blouse.

Here take a look at the front:


Now, check out the back of my portrait blouse:


I feel like the fit might need some fixing at the side seams. That big fold of extra fabric hanging from left to right means that there is excess fabric. It needs to be pinched out. However, I'm wondering how the portrait blouse will look on the recommended fabric- Charmeuse. Hmmmm...there's a thought. Can it be, that just maybe, these alterations will not be necessary if I take the plunge and cut my delicate fabric? Even with the discounts from the local fabric store, this fabric was pricey. But these folds of extra fabric indicate that there is too much fabric hanging from my waistline. So, I will be making some type of adjustment back there.
Overall, I am very pleased with the pattern. I was amazed at the cleverness of placing a zipper upside down. I can't wait to start the Charmeuse Portrait Blouse.

Good night for now.  

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