Monday, February 11, 2013

Muslin for Simplicity 1777


This was the perfect time to be more environmentally friendly. I decided to use the leftover scraps of a stripped linen sheet used here. There are several other popular slogans from the 1940's, but the "Make Do and Mend" really speaks to me. During those times, Americans were in the midst of a war and had to figure out how to work with the resources within their reach. Now, we have slogans such as "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" or "Go Green" to protect our planet Earth. Our actions make a global difference.

Here are my pattern pieces:

A couple of hours later...

I used baste stitches to assemble this wearable muslin. I was surprised at the 5 inches given to fabric and design ease at the bust area, which made me choose a size smaller. I have to go back and figure out the front part because the bodice front is suppose to have a point, mine does not. The linen fabric has some drape, but it looks stiff around the waistline. The pattern suggested matte jersey, is that the same as jersey? O-well, I guess I just have to "make do and mend!!"


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